Sotirios Kalamitsis

Law Firm


Our clients are covering the entire spectrum of financial status. They range from the financially weakest ones facing the most complex legal problems-which we do not hesitate to assume and resolve, although our fees fall considerably short to the one we should have normally charged – to the financially strongest ones facing trivial legal problems, our dealing with which is more profitable. Publishing names of our clients would demand their consent to do so. Seeking such consent might be considered as an effort to advertise ourselves, which is not in our intentions. We are satisfied enjoying the trust shown to us by our entire clientele, no matter whether they are “small” or “big” ones. The feeling of confidence that we inspire to them is our biggest satisfaction and the priceless hidden asset. Choosing to name part of our clientelle may give rise to the impression that our estimation for a client is related to the tune of our revenue, which derives from him and to the deriving prestige that it attributes to us. However, all clients, with no exception at all, attribute the same prestige to us. Thus, we choose to retain their anonymity.